ICo Traders - developing a business carbon footprint

Known for its timeless wire furniture and handcrafted chairs, stools and tables, ICo Traders has put style, quality and purpose into many homes across New Zealand and Australia.

Sustainability has always been front of mind for ICo Traders in everything they do, which is why they seek to minimise their impact on the environment at every stage of the manufacturing and distribution of their products.

A focus on supply chain emissions

Working with their supply chain is integral to their sustainability journey, ensuring their suppliers are continuously improving on their environmental footprint - the impact of a New Zealand company requesting overseas suppliers to provide improved environmental performance is making positive action take place.

Developing the carbon footprint

We have developed ICo Traders Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report for the past two years and provided recommendations for additional emission saving opportunities, including the use of a supplier questionnaire to obtain information on supplier environmental performance.

Carbon credits from native forestry projects

ICo Traders objective is to be Net Positive and therefore offset its emissions, so we helped them source carbon credits from a local Canterbury native forestry regeneration project on Akaroa Peninsula. They were pleased we could find them a match with a local native forest project in their region.
