Dunedin City Holdings Ltd (DCHL) and its subsidiary companies embarked on a journey in 2020 to develop their first emissions footprint - for each company and the DCHL Group combined. This involved working with each DCHL company:

  • Dunedin City Forests

  • Dunedin Airport

  • Delta Utility Services

  • Aurora Energy

  • Dunedin Venues Management

  • Dunedin Railways

  • Dunedin City Treasury

We were asked to assist each company to develop their Greenhouse Gas Inventory, creating their first baseline year in 2020/21 from which ongoing emissions reporting has continued.

The key to the success of this project was bringing together all the key stakeholders early so they could understand the process their organisation needed to go through, then providing practical guidance on how to collect the data, measure the emissions, and report in line with the ISO 14064 standards.

Understanding the Scope 3 ‘indirect emission’ requirements takes time for all organisations because this requires them to assess both the upstream and downstream supply chain. We provided clear guidance on how to determine which Scope 3 emissions were in scope, aligning again with the ISO standard requirements as well as industry best practice.

After successfully implementing their baseline year Greenhouse Gas Inventory, we were then asked to assist each DCHL company to set an emissions reduction target and an emission reduction plan. We aligned with the Science Based Targets method for setting a reduction target, then worked with each organisation to identify emission reduction opportunities which could be implemented across short, medium, and longer-term timeframes. Each company has set a 2030 emission reduction target and has successfully started implementing reduction initiatives.

Dunedin City Holdings Ltd